Renew or replace vehicle tabs

Learn what you need to renew or replace your tabs, and sign up for renewal reminders so you don't miss an expiration date.

How to renew your tabs

Your vehicle tabs expire every year. You can renew your tabs:

To see when they're due, look at your license plate for the expiration month and year. You can also check your License eXpress account. You account will show you the month, day, and year they expire. It will show the address and email addresses we have for your vehicles.

Tab fees

You can calculate your vehicle tab fees and the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) excise tax through our online tool.

Deducting fees from federal taxes

You may be able to deduct Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Motor Vehicle Excise Tax and Watercraft Excise Tax from your federal taxes. Check with your tax advisor.

Donations and other options when you renew

You'll have the option to donate to:

Other purchase options:

Time it takes to get new tabs

You should get your tabs within 5 business days by mail.

If you don't get your tabs within 15 days, contact the office you ordered them from. If you don't get your tabs within 15-90 days, you may be able to get replacement tabs but you must contact a vehicle licensing location before day 90 to qualify for a free replacement.

We may be able to send a replacement, at no cost, if you meet these requirements:

  • We verify that we issued the tabs, but you haven't received them within 15-90 days
  • We have your current mailing address
  • Return the original tabs to any vehicle licensing office, if they're ever found

Authorizing a representative to purchase or pick up your vehicle registration and plates

Registered vehicle owners may authorize a representative to purchase and pick up a vehicle or vessel registration and plates. The authorized representative must present a valid photo ID as well as:

Either a Power of Attorney or written permission, such as a note or check containing the following information:

  • Name and signature of the registered owners, and
  • Plate number, VIN, registration number, or HIN

If the person purchasing or picking up has the same last name or address as your customer on their photo ID, written authorization is not necessary.

Public disclosure laws require proof of identity whenever personally identifiable information is provided.

Business authorization

A business owner or representative picking up registration documents for an online or mail-in renewal must provide the office with a reasonable connection to that business. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Business card with photo ID
  • A signed letter on business letterhead
  • Attire with business logo
  • A phone call from a business

For military or uniformed services

If you're stationed outside of Washington when your tabs expire, you may be able to get a new expiration date.

If your current tabs expired less than 12 months ago, you will get a new full-year registration period. Apply for a new registration period through a vehicle licensing location:

To renew your tabs by mail, send all items below to an office of your choice:

  • Your tab renewal notice
  • Copy of your military orders
  • Check/money order payable to DOL

How to replace your vehicle tabs

You can replace your tabs by submitting an Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest form. All registered owners must sign the form in front of a notary public or licensing agent at any vehicle licensing office.

  • Include check/money order payable to the Department of Licensing for:
    • $13.75 for a passenger vehicle or trailer
    • $13 for trucks
  • Mail or bring the form and payment to any of our offices

We will mail your tabs the next business day after we receive the form.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3770
(TTY: Call 711)
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