Business practices: Tattoos, body piercing, and body art

View business practice standards, how to keep client records, and EBT card use regulations for tattoo, body piercing, and body art businesses.

Client records

Each business must keep a record of all customers who receive services at the shop, mobile unit, or event. These records must include at least the following information:

  • Customer's name, age, and address.
  • Date of the procedure.
  • Body art, body piercing, or tattoo artist's name.
  • Location and type of procedure.
  • Customer signature.

You must keep client records for at least 2 years, and make them available to us upon request.

EBT cards prohibited

You can't accept Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, or cash obtained from an ATM with an EBT card, in payment for any tattoo, body piercing, or body art service or product you provide.

  • If your shop has ATM or point-of-sale machines located on the premises, please take the necessary steps to disable those machines from accepting EBT cards.
  • We must suspend your license if you don't comply with this law. We can reinstate your license once your business disables all ATM and point-of-sale machines.
  • For more information, read the law (RCW 74.08.580).

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