Frequently asked questions: Scrap metal businesses

Get answers to frequently asked questions about scrap metal business licensing and operations.

Will I need a license to collect and sell empty aluminum cans?
You won't need any of the scrap metal licenses with the Department of Licensing, but you may need a business license with the Department of Revenue. We recommend you contact the Department of Revenue to find out if you need one.

Can I buy non-vehicle scrap metal if I already have a vehicle wrecker, hulk hauler, or salvage processor license?
No, those licenses allow you to acquire metal as part of a vehicle. You must have a scrap metal processor, recycler, or supplier license to buy non-vehicle scrap metal.

Will I need more than 1 license if I recycle and process scrap metal?
No, the licenses are tiered:

  • A processor can act as a processor, recycler, or supplier.
  • A recycler can act as a recycler or supplier.
  • A supplier can act only as a supplier.

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