Exams: Landscape architects

Learn more about the exams and prerequisites needed in order to get your landscape architecture license.

Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.)

The Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) administers the L.A.R.E., a 4-part fully computerized exam designed to determine whether applicants for landscape architectural licensure possess sufficient knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide services without endangering the public's health, safety, and welfare.

It is prepared and scored by CLARB in accordance with all current standards for fairness and quality of licensure exams. In order to become a licensed landscape architect, you must pass all 4 sections of the exam:

  • Section 1: Project and Construction Management
  • Section 2: Inventory and Analysis
  • Section 3: Design
  • Section 4: Grading, Drainage, and Construction Documentation

The L.A.R.E. is administered 3 times a year over a 2-week period in April, August, and December. The L.A.R.E is administered at any PSI testing center that offers it. Once applicants register with CLARB, they will receive an email from CLARB with instructions on how to select a testing center. 

CLARB now offers online proctoring as an additional testing option for all sections of the L.A.R.E where you can take it in your own home/office. 

Please contact CLARB if you have questions about the exam.

Transmitting your score

If you've taken CLARB exams and wish to have your scores sent to Washington State, please contact CLARB and authorize them to transmit your scores to us.

Law Review Exam

After you complete the exam and experience requirements, you're required to submit a review of several laws related to the practice of landscape architecture. You can either upload the Law Review Exam online while filling out an online application or email the Law Review Exam to landscape@dol.wa.gov. The law review exam includes summaries associated with the:

The law review exam is required of all new licensees in the state of Washington, including reciprocity applicants. To learn more, visit the Landscape Architect Law Summary Review Exam.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-1497
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email: landscape@dol.wa.gov
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