Fees: Court reporters

View the fees applying for or renewing a court reporter certificate.

Forms of payment

  • We cannot accept payments over the phone
  • If you're paying online, pay with a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express (no gift cards)
  • Make checks or money orders payable to Department of Licensing

Certificate application and renewal fees

Description Fee
Apply for your certificate $165
Renew your certificate (certificate not expired) $138
Late renewal (expired less than 1 year) $276*
Late renewal (expired less than 2 years) $414*
Late renewal (expired less than 3 years) $552*
Late renewal (expired more than 3 years) Re-apply and retake the exam
License print fee $5

*Late renewals include the renewal fee for each year the license wasn't renewed and $138 penalty fee.

Need more help?

Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-664-6633
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email: csap@dol.wa.gov
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